DecoDot Archive

View all previous revisions of BlueDecoRoller's website.

Website Revisions

Version Number Version Details Date Version Page
0.1 Creation of the website. Homepage added. 20/1/2024 Unavailable
0.2 Socials page added. Tweaked homepage. Website goes public, but under construction. ??/2/2024 Unavailable
1.0 Blog page is added in a barebones and unviewable state. ??/2/2024 Unavailable
1.1 First archive is made. Blog is fixed and viewable. 11/3/2024 Version 1.1
(homepage only)
1.2 New homepage is made. Front page is now a selection between PC and Mobile views of the webpage. Mobile version is unavailable. Interests page is added. 12/3/2024 Unavailable
1.3 About page is added. About button is added on all pages. Changed numbering system of website versions. Inserted website version into footer. Archive page is added. 13/3/2024 Unavailable
PC 1.4 Suggestions page is added. Suggestions button is added on all pages. Updates Credits page. 15/3/2024 Unavailable
Mobile 1.0 Mobile view of the webpage is added. [placeholder]
2.0 Added the Library section. Library button is added on all pages. 20/3/2024 Unavailable
PC 2.1 Edited and removed minor parts of the website. 28/3/2024 Unavailable
Mobile 1.1 Unavailable
PC 2.2 Removed the Suggestions page and respective button from all pages. 12/4/2024 Suggestions Archive
The current version number is highlighted in bold.