![]() BlueDecoRoller 23:35 AEST 30 April 2024 Mood: Motivated (ish) |
I should really try to update this blog just a little more. It's okay, and thank you if you're still reading! I'm in a somewhat motivated mood. I don't know if it's because it's 11 o'clock at night, or wiki work seems appealing all of a sudden. Inkipedia at the moment has a lot of cleanup to do regarding expanding articles and tinkering with file names, so I decided that "You know what? I'll start editing again." I think it's because I was listening and watching an administrator talk about FANDOM stuff as well as things they hope to change on other wikis. Hearing them speak about all the work they do has motivated me to contribute more to the wiki. I've even thought about making a wiki of my own! Well, to some extent. You see, one of the games I play, Rhythm Hive, currently has a FANDOM Wiki, which is full of ads and garbage. I made a request to a beuraucrat on the wiki to see if they'd be willing to move the wiki to a different host. The one I have in mind is wiki.gg, as there's everything already there for us (minus the boatload of ads, of course). Onto something a bit different now, and I've been getting into photography more recently! I found an old 15-year-old digital camera lying around the house, and managed to get it working! I remember using it as a child, so making it work as an adult is really cool. The most annoying part about the whole thing was trying to get the software to work, and get the photos from my camera onto my computer. Initially, I was plugging it into my laptop, hoping it would connect, and then, just maybe, it would allow me to transfer one or two photos. Thankfully, we managed to find the original installation disc that came with the camera, and once that was downloaded, everything worked fine! I take mostly photos of old, nostalgic type stuff, like playgrounds, old street lamps, or nighttime car photos. (The latter is my favourite!) The photos turn out pretty alright, more or less what you'd expect from a digital camera of that age. I think I'll finish this blog post on this note: I'm hoping to get a commission done by an artist for Pride Month! It'll be super cute and I can't wait to see what they do! Anyway, I hope you all keep well, and I'll update you soon! |
![]() BlueDecoRoller 09:34 AEST 8 April 2024 Mood: Slay |
Heya, sorry it's been a bit since I last updates here. I just needed a brief break from the site, but I'm back! I do want to say that it's super cool that I've had over 2,000 hits to my website! Obviously some of these are bots, but it's actually cool to see that people do visit my website and have an interest in me! I'll probably get the next update out soon. The Suggestions page is broken, so I'll be removing it altogether because I have zero Javascript literacy and just copied and pasted something from the internet. I guess I get what I asked for. Anyway, to some more lighthearted news! Today I went to an op shop (thrift store) because I wanted to find some 2000s-esque clothes because for some reason that era of clothes has piqued my interest randomly. Anyway, as I was browsing the shirts, this cute guy around my age (probably between 17-19 if I were to guess) wanted to buy these Crocs. (They were an ugly green-grey colour. Not the best.) His card wasn't accepting the payment, so I walked up to him, and said I'll pay for him. It was $4, so it's nothing, really. He thanked me afterwards, and I felt really good. It was such a shame that I didn't ask him for his phone number or something, but hey, a good deed can make someone's day! Certainly made me feel good! I also picked up a cute cardigan at the op shop as well! It's grey with a black and white striped pattern at the top, and I think I look cute in it! I'll definitely be wearing it once it's been washed! It was only $7 as well. It's one of the reasons why I like shopping at op shops: it's cheap, and I can get a lot more than what I would get at a retail store which means I don't feel as guilty. Stopping fast fashion, saving money and not guilt tripping? I'd say that's a win~ I woke up today feeling that it's going to be a good day, and honestly, today's probably been the best day I've had in a while. It's just all the small things that add up to put a smile on my face. I hope that today, you can make an effort to make someone's day. Smile at them, be friendly, or buy them a pair of Crocs! And maybe someday, that good deed will come back to you. |
![]() BlueDecoRoller 09:34 AEDT 28 March 2024 Mood: Distant |
Thank you all so much for your patience, as I haven't updated the blog in a bit. I'll try to update at least once a week where possible. Something that's happened when I was gone was that there was a Splatfest in Splatoon 3! It was a decision between what is the best instrument: guitar, drums or keyboard. I chose Team Keyboard, as it's a classic instrument that is super versatile. It's also one of the first instruments that is taught in schools, so I guess it makes sense. Anyway, I played with some friends on Discord, and we had a good time. We goofed around playing meme teams and wearing matching gear, so I enjoyed it. My team won too, so that was a bonus! I've just decided to edit some of these blog posts (and my website) to remove some things. Chances are that you won't notice. Either way, no backup will be made, for privacy reasons for myself. What's in the works for the website? Uh, well my writing section has been opened, so you can have a look at the poems I've written there. I'm hoping I'll start writing and posting my fanfiction onto there shortly, so keep your eyes peeled for updates there. It'll be something for me to work on and keep coming back here. Anyway, I'll see you all soon! |
![]() BlueDecoRoller 12:21 AEDT 18 March 2024 Mood: Tired |
Hey everyone! Something exciting is that the mobile version of my webpage is now available for everyone to view! This will make the website a lot more accessible to people on mobile devices. However, the site is best viewed on PC, so if you have the chance to view it on a PC, please check it out! I've also added a Suggestions tab for anyone to write in suggestions if they want to see something on the website or if they want to ask me a question for me to answer here on the blog! Thank you all so much for visiting my website. I've been watching the stats on Neocities, and there's been a steady stream of almost at least 50 views a day. It's pretty cool! I've put a lot of effort into making the website, so having people look at it on a regular basis is so cool! I'm debating on whether or not to change the homepage, because I don't like the current layout. I have one in the works, but it's sat as a draft on my computer for a few days now. I might just leave it as it is for the time being. Anyway, today I woke up and was super tired. I woke up at 10am, and once I had breakfast, I sat in bed for an hour because I was that tired. I finally got out to make myself a cup of coffee, which did the trick. I can't remember what time I went to sleep last night, which doesn't help. I think it was around 1:30am? Certainly not the best. When I was sick, I used to wake up at 6:30 or 7am and it was great, because I could do a lot more during the day. A few days after being sick, I stuck to those wake-up times, but have slipped back into waking up much later. I'm hoping that once this season of Married at First Sight Australia wraps up, I can work back on fixing my sleep schedule. Watching that show as of a nighttime pushes my sleep out more and more. (It's a good show though!) I made a post on Bluesky yesterday saying that I'll do a stream today, but honestly, I don't really feel like it. I'm just too tired to talk, even with a mug of coffee inside me. My introverted side is really being an introvert today. I guess one thing that I am looking forward to is the cooler weather. We've consistently had warm days, which is a bit annoying, because I don't like showing a lot of skin. It'll be nice to rug up and cover up when the weather starts to cool off. Hopefully we can get some more rain too, because rain is always nice and calming. |
![]() BlueDecoRoller 22:49 AEDT 14 March 2024 Mood: Chill |
Second blog post, yay! I'm working on the code of the mobile view of my website. It's been a bit of a hassle, but I guess it's also easier because I'm not redesigning the website from scratch. One thing that also helps as well is that I'm using a website that'll allow my to edit my code and view it much easier than what I could do here on Neocities. It helps drive down my edits count hugely! Since I last updated the blog, I've also added in the Archive page, so make sure that you go and have a look there if you want to see the evolution of my website! I enjoy looking at the history of things (particularly when it comes to the internet), so I hope you enjoy it as much as I would! I'll start to wrap this up now. I watched my AFL team, the Richmond Tigers, play against the Carlton Blues, and sadly they lost 81-86. A shame, but there's always next week. It's Friday tomorrow, so that's exciting I guess. I hope that I can go shopping this weekend, as I'd like some new clothes. The only issue is that whenever I do buy new clothes, I feel guilty because I spent money. I feel like I'm such a cheapskate, lol. Anyway, see you all soon! |
![]() BlueDecoRoller 17:01 AEDT 11 March 2024 Mood: Hopeful |
Hey! This is my first every blog post! Pretty cool, right? I've been wanting to work on the blog for quite some time, but just couldn't figure out a way to get the CSS to work the way that I wanted it to. But I have, and I think it looks good if I say so myself! I was trying to fall asleep when I suddenly thought of something that I could do to get the CSS to work! (Of course, all my good ideas come during the night.) So today, I've been working on the code for this so then I can do my first post here! Go me! I haven't even started on my Interests page because I was so excited to get this blog off the ground! It's a bit of a weird way to do blog posts compared to on social medias, as I have to go directly into the source code of the website to make a new "post", but I honestly don't mind. It's a new way to get my thoughts and feelings out into the world. I guess something recent that's happened is that I've been sick, which hasn't been nice. It's not COVID or a fever or anything serious like that, just your garden variety cold. For the first few days, it hit me hard. I was stuck to the couch and my bed, and moving around was quite difficult and painful. But I'm feeling better now, which is part of the reason I've decided to update this website. I only have just blocked nose, so it's bearable. I'm still having to blow my nose every now and then. It's okay. One thing that has annoyed me is that there was an event on in Splatoon this weekend, a Big Run, and I couldn't stream it! For those who don't know Honestly I'm not sure how long to make these posts, so I think I'll wrap it up. I might do a blog post in a few days time about more of an introduction of myself. I'll also work on my Interests page so then my website can be marked as complete. So yeah, stay tuned! And thank you for viewing my first blog post (and if you're from the future, hello!) |